
Transplant banner
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Transplant banner

To prevent rejection and reduce toxicity, transplant patient results need to stay within a specific therapeutic range–and accurate, sensitive monitoring is crucial. The functional sensitivity of each assay meets this need and supports the current trend towards low immunosuppressive dosing regimens. 

For in vitro diagnostic use only.


Are you able to respond quickly to address challenges that arise with your transplant patients?

Our transplant assays help clinicians make decisions regarding patient treatment to avoid side effects and induced nephrotoxicity, prevent organ rejection and monitor noncompliance. Our transplant assays are designed to quickly reflect the slightest shift in a patient’s test results. This helps the clinician make decisions regarding treatment protocols and aids in the management of liver and kidney allograph patients.

Organ transplant waiting list

The number of solid organ transplant procedures performed is limited by organ availability. The waiting list grows every year.

Worldwide, the demand for solid organ transplants increased 9.1% versus 2021. About 18 transplants per hour were performed in 2022.1

1 Accessed March 12, 2024. 


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